Using ChatGPT as a Solo RPG Referee (Ellie V And The Valkyries - Redux)

I knew it was going to happen. Eventually, I was going to run out of credits on AI Dungeon and I didn't feel like paying another monthly fee for another service. Netflix, Disney, Paramount, Patreon, ugh. I need to budget better.

So I thought, why not pop over to OpenAI and see if I can get ChatGPT 3.5 (currently free) to run as an RPG referee for me. To test it, I decided to give it all the same parameters I gave to AI Dungeon for my Ellie V And The Valkyries run, including going over basically the same storyline. I wanted to compare the two narratives to see which one I preferred more. Straight up ChatGPT or AI Dungeon running ChatGPT.

The results blew my mind. Honestly, using ChatGPT 3.5 natively without going through a secondary service like AI Dungeon, is so much better of an experience. Not only did I have fun, not only was I thrilled multiple times by the results (and the way the experience varied from the AI Dungeon experience,) I was amazed how sometimes ChatGPT would actually push back against me. It gave me details when I asked for them, it wrote song lyrics for "Electric Vixen" and it made the riot against Militech crazy enough that I had to bug out to keep from being arrested. I also love that it provides responses in a second person style, making it more immersive than AI Dungeon. All in all, an exciting experience. The transcript of everything from this test is below, and I'll definitely be sharing more (and much shorter) adventures as I explore this new venue of experience more in the future. Take note, as you read, how much more evocative, encompassing and interesting this story was compared to the same basic premise as executed by AI Dungeon.

Transcript follows:

Me: Hello ChatGPT, are you capable of being a referee or guide for a roleplaying game?

Hello! Yes, I can certainly assist as a referee or guide for a roleplaying game. I can help you create and describe game worlds, non-player characters (NPCs), and scenarios, as well as facilitate gameplay by providing responses and resolving actions based on the rules of your chosen system. Just let me know the details of the game, its setting, and any specific rules or guidelines you'd like to follow, and I'll do my best to assist you and your players in your roleplaying adventure. How can I assist you with your game?

Me: I'd like you to be the referee for a game where my character is Ellie V. Ellie V is a Rockergirl living in the city of Night City. I have an electric guitar and a smartphone. I am the lead singer and lead guitarist of a four woman band called The Valkyries. We are known for our fiery, loud, riotous and chaotic rock concerts.

Sounds like an exciting character and setting! Let's begin your adventure in the dystopian world of Cyberpunk 2077. You are Ellie V, the lead singer and lead guitarist of The Valkyries, a famous rock band in Night City known for your fiery and chaotic concerts.

You find yourself in the heart of Night City, a sprawling, neon-lit metropolis filled with all manner of people and technology. The city's streets are bustling with activity, and the skyline is dominated by towering skyscrapers and holographic billboards.

As Ellie V, you stand outside a seedy but well-known bar and music venue called "Chrome Haven." The Valkyries are scheduled to perform here tonight, and you can hear the muffled sounds of your bandmates tuning their instruments inside. Your electric guitar is strapped to your back, and your smartphone is in your pocket. The screen lights up with a message: "Soundcheck in 30 minutes."

What would you like to do next, Ellie V?

Me: I go inside Chrome Haven and check in with all three of my bandmates. How are they doing? Are they ready to go?

You step into Chrome Haven, and the familiar chaos of pre-concert preparations fills the air. Your bandmates, Axia, Luna, and Seraph, are scattered around the venue, each deep in their own preparations.

Axia, the band's bassist, is busy tuning her instrument. She looks up when you approach, flashes a grin, and says, "Ellie, you ready to rock the hell out of this place tonight?"

Luna, the drummer, is making final adjustments to her drum kit. She nods and gives you a thumbs-up. "The crowd's gonna love it when we start pounding those beats, Ellie!"

Seraph, the keyboardist, is hunched over her synth, making sure the electronic elements of your music are perfectly tuned. She looks up with a determined expression and says, "Just a few more tweaks, and we'll be ready to set this place on fire!"

The rest of the crew, including your roadies and sound engineers, are bustling around, ensuring everything is set up correctly. The stage is ready, and the crowd is starting to gather.

What would you like to do next, Ellie V?

Me: I high five Axia, fist bump Luna, give a thumbs up to Seraph and then sit down and start to check my own gear. I get my electric guitar all tuned up and then I start to strum something slow as part of the soundcheck, something by Johnny Silverhand.

You exchange gestures with your bandmates, each interaction fueling the energy and excitement for the upcoming show. As you settle down and start strumming your electric guitar, you begin to play a slow, haunting melody, a classic by the legendary rockerboy Johnny Silverhand. The mournful notes resonate through the venue, and you can tell the soundcheck is going well.

The venue's sound engineer gives you a nod of approval, indicating that everything sounds just right. The crowd is starting to grow restless, eager for the main performance.

As the soundcheck finishes, you take a moment to catch your breath. The time is getting closer to showtime. What would you like to do next, Ellie V?

Me: I say "Let's go burn this fucking city down." I grin at Axia, Luna and Seraph, and then we get out on stage. As soon as I get to the microphone, I give the crowd my biggest grin, then stroke one long burning note out of my guitar and say "Night City! Are you ready to ROCK!?"

The crowd roars in response to your fiery entrance, and the atmosphere in the venue is electric. Your bandmates, Axia, Luna, and Seraph, join you on stage, and together, you face the sea of excited fans.

You unleash that burning note from your guitar, and the energy in the room soars even higher. As you step up to the microphone, you greet the crowd with your biggest grin, and when you shout, "Night City! Are you ready to ROCK!?" the crowd goes wild, chanting and cheering in response.

The show has begun, and The Valkyries are about to deliver another unforgettable, chaotic, and riotous rock concert in Night City. The stage is yours, Ellie V. How would you like to kick off the performance?

Me: I'm going to start with our most popular song, "Electric Vixen."

As you announce the first song, "Electric Vixen," the crowd's excitement reaches a fever pitch. The opening chords of the song electrify the atmosphere, and your powerful vocals join in, filling the venue with your signature rock sound. Axia, Luna, and Seraph add their instruments to the mix, creating a wall of sound that sweeps through the audience.

The crowd sings along with every word, and you can see their adrenaline-fueled enthusiasm as they dance, jump, and scream in unison with the music. The stage lights and special effects add to the chaos, creating an unforgettable spectacle.

The performance is in full swing, and you're in your element, Ellie V. What's your next move during this wild rock concert?

Me: What are the lyrics I'm singing when I sing "Electric Vixen?"

Certainly, here are the lyrics for the song "Electric Vixen" as you sing them:

(Verse 1)
In the neon city's darkest night,
Where dreams and chaos intertwine,
I'm an electric vixen, burning bright,
With a rebel heart, I'll make you mine.

I've got lightning in my veins,
A wild fire that can't be tamed,
In this concrete jungle's endless fight,
I'll be your spark, your guiding light.

Electric vixen, don't you see,
I'm the fire that'll set you free,
In this city's heart, where danger thrives,
I'll be the one who makes you feel alive.

(Verse 2)
Through the alleys and the neon glow,
Where the shadows dance and secrets flow,
I'm an electric vixen, fierce and bold,
In this concrete jungle, we'll find our gold.

I've got lightning in my veins,
A wild fire that can't be tamed,
In this concrete jungle's endless fight,
I'll be your spark, your guiding light.

Electric vixen, don't you see,
I'm the fire that'll set you free,
In this city's heart, where danger thrives,
I'll be the one who makes you feel alive.

With every riff, with every scream,
We'll live this night like it's a dream,
In the chaos of the urban scene,
We'll be the rebels, we'll be the queens.

Electric vixen, don't you see,
I'm the fire that'll set you free,
In this city's heart, where danger thrives,
I'll be the one who makes you feel alive.

In the neon city, we'll unite,
In the electrifying, endless night,
I'm your electric vixen, your guiding star,
Together, we'll burn like there's no tomorrow.

The crowd goes wild as you sing these lyrics, and the energy in the venue is palpable. The performance is a true spectacle, and you and The Valkyries are rocking Night City like never before. What's your next move during this epic performance?

Me: I'm going to sing another song that's new for us, one we haven't played before, and that I know is going to whip up the crowd and get them wild.

You decide to surprise the crowd with a brand new song, ready to whip them into a frenzy. The anticipation in the venue is electric as you introduce the next track, and the crowd is on the edge of their seats, eager to hear what The Valkyries have in store.

The opening chords of the new song hit, and your vocals, along with Axia, Luna, and Seraph, ignite a powerful and captivating performance. The crowd is drawn into the music, and they respond with enthusiasm, even though they're hearing it for the first time. Your stage presence and the band's energy are infectious, and you can feel the excitement building in the audience.

As the song progresses, the crowd's response becomes even more intense, and you can see them dancing, moshing, and singing along. It's clear that this new track has struck a chord with the audience, and it's become an instant hit.

The concert continues with the same level of chaos and energy that The Valkyries are known for, and you can tell that you've created another unforgettable night in Night City. What's your next move during this high-octane performance?

Me: When the next song ends, I'm going to grab the microphone and ask the riotous crowd "Alright, people-- what's the most evil corporation in this city? What corporation is strangling you with its corruption? What corporation deserves to burn?"

The final chords of the song resonate through the venue, and as the cheering crowd begins to settle for a moment, you grab the microphone and pose those pointed questions to the audience.

"Alright, people," you shout, "what's the most evil corporation in this city? What corporation is strangling you with its corruption? What corporation deserves to burn?"

The crowd erupts in a chorus of passionate responses, shouting out the names of various notorious corporations, each name accompanied by boos and anger. It's clear that the people in Night City have strong feelings about corporate influence in their lives.

The atmosphere is charged with revolutionary energy, and the crowd's fervor seems to have no bounds. The venue feels like it's on the brink of a chaotic uprising.

What would you like to do next, Ellie V, as the crowd's energy continues to surge?

Me: What corporation name is being yelled the most?

As the crowd continues to shout out their opinions, one corporate name stands out above the rest, being yelled the most: Arasaka. The name "Arasaka" reverberates through the venue with the most intensity, and it's clear that this powerful megacorporation is a significant source of discontent and anger among the people in Night City.

The name "Arasaka" is accompanied by loud boos, angry shouts, and even a few raised fists, as the crowd expresses their frustration with the corporation's perceived corruption and control over the city.

The revolutionary energy in the venue is palpable, and it seems that the audience is ready to make a statement. What's your next move, Ellie V, as you harness this energy in your performance?

Me: I shout "I'm hearing a lot of people say Arasaka! Are you ready to burn Arasaka tower to the ground!?"

Your words resonate with the crowd, and your question, "Are you ready to burn Arasaka tower to the ground!?" is met with an overwhelming roar of approval and agreement. The energy in the venue reaches a fever pitch as the audience chants and cheers in response.

It's clear that the crowd is fired up and ready to take a stand against Arasaka, the symbol of corporate oppression in Night City. The atmosphere is charged with revolutionary fervor, and the audience looks to you and The Valkyries for inspiration and leadership.

As the performance continues, you can feel the crowd's determination to make a statement against the corporation. The night is turning into more than just a rock concert; it's becoming a rallying point for a cause. What's your next move to harness this energy and keep the show going?

Me: I jump down into the crowd while playing a heavy riff on my guitar. I whip up the crowd and lead them out into the street, where my roadies are already waiting to hand molotov cocktails and improvised weapons to my riotous fans.

You make a daring move, jumping down into the crowd while playing a heavy riff on your guitar. The audience goes wild as you lead them out of the venue and into the city streets. The energy and chaos are electrifying, and your fans are ready to make a statement against Arasaka.

Your roadies are well-prepared and quickly hand out Molotov cocktails and improvised weapons to the riotous crowd. Night City is on the brink of a chaotic uprising, and your actions have sparked a full-blown protest against the corporation.

The streets are filled with chanting, shouting, and the flickering flames of Molotov cocktails. It's a scene of rebellion, and your music serves as the anthem for the crowd's defiance.

As the leader of this impromptu uprising, what's your next move, Ellie V? How do you continue to inspire and guide the people of Night City in their protest?

Me: I'm going to lead them to Arasaka Tower. I'm going to play my guitar the whole time, singing revolutionary lyrics urging my fans to burn the tower down.

As you lead the crowd toward Arasaka Tower, your guitar wails with a fierce melody, and your voice echoes through the streets, singing revolutionary lyrics that urge your fans to burn the tower down. The crowd follows your lead, and the protest takes on a fevered intensity.

The journey through the streets of Night City becomes a spectacle, with your music and rallying cries serving as the catalyst for the crowd's fervor. The message of rebellion and defiance against corporate oppression is clear, and it's spreading like wildfire among the people.

As you approach Arasaka Tower, the crowd is met with security forces and corporate enforcers. Tensions rise, and a confrontation seems imminent. What's your plan, Ellie V, to ensure that this protest makes a powerful statement against the corporation?

Me: I keep playing my guitar and keep whipping up the crowd. I shout "Down with the techno-fascists!" and watch as my fans bombard Arasaka's security forces with molotov cocktails and bricks.

Your guitar's roaring chords and your rallying cries continue to fuel the crowd's passion as they approach Arasaka Tower. You shout "Down with the techno-fascists!" and the crowd echoes your sentiment with anger and determination. Molotov cocktails and bricks are hurled at Arasaka's security forces, and chaos ensues.

The protest turns into a full-scale clash, with the riotous fans fighting against the corporate enforcers. The scene is intense and chaotic, and the message of defiance against Arasaka couldn't be clearer. The city streets are filled with the sound of the rebellion, and it's clear that Night City will remember this night for a long time.

As the leader of this protest, your actions have made a powerful statement, and the people of Night City have shown that they are not willing to be oppressed any longer. What's your next move, Ellie V, as this uprising unfolds?

Me: We're going to push into the tower. We're going to keep breaking stuff and driving out the security forces until we reach the CEO's office, and then we're going to put him in irons, drag him out to the street and lock him in a pillory.

The crowd, fueled by your music and their determination, pushes into Arasaka Tower. Chaos and destruction follow as you and your fans drive out the security forces, leaving a trail of broken equipment and barriers in your wake. The protest takes on an unstoppable momentum as you move deeper into the tower.

As you progress through the building, you eventually reach the CEO's office. The corporate elite look on in shock as you and your fans demand justice. The CEO is apprehended, placed in irons, and dragged out to the street.

In the heart of Night City, the CEO is locked in a pillory, a symbol of the people's rebellion against corporate oppression. The message is clear: the people have taken a stand, and they won't be silenced any longer.

Your actions have sparked a significant event in the city's history, and the world is watching. The people of Night City have shown that they are willing to fight for their freedom and their future. What's your plan now, Ellie V, as the protest continues and the CEO remains in the pillory?

Me: I'm going to get onto a makeshift stage already assembled by my roadies and stir up the crowd with a wild riff while they throw rotten fruit at the pilloried Arasaka CEO. I know the sounds of this riotous guerilla gig will attract a larger crowd, and I'm going to encourage them to throw rotten fruit at him too.

You climb onto the makeshift stage, and your guitar wails with a wild and furious riff. The crowd goes wild, and the atmosphere is charged with energy as they respond to your music. The onlookers in the streets join in the protest, attracted by the sounds of your guerilla gig.

As you stir up the crowd, they start throwing rotten fruit at the pilloried Arasaka CEO. The protest grows even larger, and the collective anger against the corporate elite becomes even more palpable. It's a powerful symbol of the people's frustration and determination.

The riotous scene continues to play out in the heart of Night City, and your actions have become a symbol of resistance against corporate oppression. The protest has escalated, and it's clear that the people are demanding change. What's your plan now, Ellie V, as the uprising rages on?

Me: I finish my set and disappear down a darkened alley, leaving the riot to continue in my absence. Afterward, I sneak away to my closest safehouse and check my phone to see what the news is saying about the riot.

After finishing your set and leaving the riot to continue without your presence, you slip away into a darkened alley and make your way to your closest safehouse. It's a moment of respite after the intense events of the night.

You check your phone for news about the riot, and the reports are already starting to circulate. The media is abuzz with coverage of the protest and the stand against Arasaka. The footage of your guerilla gig and the pillorying of the CEO has gone viral, and the world is taking notice.

The riot in Night City has become a symbol of resistance and the people's fight against corporate oppression. Your actions have made a profound impact on the city's history, and the story is far from over.

What would you like to do next, Ellie V, as you reflect on the night's events and the consequences of your actions?

Me: What is the news saying about the riot, in summary?

The news is reporting the Night City riot as a significant and highly visible protest against Arasaka Corporation. The headlines and reports provide a summary:

"Night City Uprising: Rioters Demand Justice and Overthrow Arasaka"

The riot in Night City, led by the rock star Ellie V and her band, The Valkyries, has taken the city by storm.

Protesters have called for the downfall of Arasaka Corporation, blaming it for corporate oppression and corruption.

Footage of the protest, including the pillorying of the Arasaka CEO, has gone viral, gaining international attention.

Authorities are struggling to control the situation, and tensions between corporate forces and protesters remain high.

The Night City riot serves as a powerful symbol of resistance against corporate dominance and the fight for the city's future.

The riot's impact is undeniable, and its consequences will likely have far-reaching effects on the city's political and corporate landscape.

Me: Smiling and feeling good about the events of the night, I'm going to grab a bottle of tequila in both hands and drink until I pass out.

With a mixture of exhaustion, adrenaline, and satisfaction from the night's events, you grab a bottle of tequila and drink until the world blurs and fades away. As the fiery liquid courses through your veins, you let the events of the night and the collective energy of the people wash over you.

The taste of tequila lingers on your lips as you eventually drift into a deep and well-deserved slumber, knowing that you and The Valkyries have made an indelible mark on Night City's history.

Me: When I wake up, I'm going to check the news on my phone again. Are there any interviews with the CEO we pilloried?

When you wake up and check the news on your phone, you find several interviews with the CEO you helped pillory. The media is extensively covering the aftermath of the Night City riot, and the CEO's public statements have become a focal point of the story:

CEO Interview on Apology: The Arasaka CEO has given a public apology, acknowledging the public's grievances and promising to address concerns about the corporation's actions in Night City.

Corporate Response: Arasaka Corporation has issued a statement condemning the CEO's actions and attempting to distance the corporation from the riot, though the public remains skeptical.

Public Opinion: Interviews with Night City residents reveal mixed reactions to the CEO's apology, with some seeing it as a genuine attempt at change, while others view it with suspicion.

The situation is still developing, and the fallout from the riot continues to be a major news story in the city. Your actions have ignited a significant movement, and it appears that change is on the horizon in Night City. What would you like to do next, Ellie V, in light of these developments?

Me: What is the news saying about me specifically?

The news coverage about you, Ellie V, is extensive, as you played a central role in the Night City riot. Here's a summary of what the news is saying about you:

Rockstar Activist: Many reports describe you as a rockstar activist, highlighting your role in leading the protest and your music as a rallying point for the people.

Symbol of Resistance: You are portrayed as a symbol of resistance against corporate oppression, and your actions have inspired others to take a stand.

Cultural Icon: The media is discussing your impact on Night City's cultural and political landscape, and some are comparing you to legendary rebel figures from the past.

Public Reaction: Interviews with the public showcase a range of opinions about you, with some lauding your bravery and others expressing concern about the consequences of the riot.

Your actions have made you a prominent figure in the ongoing story of the Night City riot, and your influence is being felt far beyond the realm of music. What's your plan now, Ellie V, as you navigate the aftermath of these events?

Me: Are there any big news outlets openly criticising my actions from last night? If so, what are their names and what are they saying about me?

Yes, there are some news outlets that are openly critical of your actions from last night. Here are the names of a few notable outlets and summaries of their criticisms:

Night City Sentinel: The Night City Sentinel has published opinion pieces critical of your involvement in the riot. They argue that while the protest may have highlighted issues with Arasaka, the violence and destruction were unnecessary and could have been avoided.

Corporate News Network (CNN): CNN's Night City division has provided a more balanced perspective, suggesting that your actions have sparked an important conversation about corporate influence in the city. However, they also question the efficacy of resorting to violence.

Corporate Times: The Corporate Times, a publication with ties to corporate interests, has strongly criticized your actions, characterizing them as reckless and anarchic. They argue that such methods are detrimental to the city's stability and business environment.

These critical voices are part of the broader public discourse surrounding the events of the Night City riot, reflecting a diverse range of opinions and perspectives on your actions.

Me: I'm going to reach out to the Corporate Times and ask them if they want a one-on-one interview with me.

Reaching out to the Corporate Times for an interview is a bold move. You contact the publication, expressing your willingness to participate in a one-on-one interview to discuss your actions and the Night City riot. The publication, known for its corporate-focused perspective, might provide an opportunity to address a different segment of the population and engage in a constructive dialogue about the events.

It remains to be seen whether the Corporate Times will accept your offer and how the interview will be conducted. This could be an opportunity to share your perspective and potentially influence public opinion about your actions. What's your next step, Ellie V, as you await their response?

Me: I'm going to drink tequila and eat a microwaved burrito for breakfast while I wait to hear from the Corporate Times.

You enjoy a simple breakfast of tequila and a microwaved burrito while you await a response from the Corporate Times. The meal provides a moment of relaxation and sustenance after the intense events of the previous night.

As you sip your tequila and savor the burrito, you can't help but reflect on the impact you've had on Night City and the potential opportunities for shaping the ongoing narrative.

While you wait for the news outlet's response, you consider your next moves and how best to navigate the evolving situation.

Me: To kill time while I wait for a response from the Corporate Times, I'm going to check on all three of my bandmembers. How are they doing in the wake of the riot?

You take a moment to check in on your bandmates, Axia, Luna, and Seraph, in the wake of the riot. You send messages to each of them to see how they're doing. Here are their responses:

Axia (Bassist): Axia responds with a text, saying, "Ellie, that was one hell of a night! I'm pumped up and ready for more. The energy in the city is insane!"

Luna (Drummer): Luna's response comes in the form of an audio message with a pounding drumbeat in the background. She shouts, "Ellie, this is amazing! I've never felt so alive. Let's keep the rhythm going!"

Seraph (Keyboardist): Seraph texts you, "Ellie, it was intense, but I'm exhilarated. The riot was wild, and it's clear we've made a mark. I'm ready to rock even harder."

It's clear that your bandmates are still riding high on the adrenaline from the events of the riot and are eager to continue making music and fighting for their cause. What would you like to do next, Ellie V, as you wait for the Corporate Times to respond?

Me: I'm going to drink more tequila and take a nap. Has the Corporate Times responded by the time I wake up?

You decide to have another round of tequila and then take a nap to rest and recharge. As you drift off to sleep, you wonder if the Corporate Times will respond while you rest.

When you wake up from your nap, you check your phone to see if there's a response from the publication. There is indeed a message from the Corporate Times expressing interest in conducting the one-on-one interview with you. They provide you with details for the interview, including the date, time, and location.

It seems that your offer for an interview has been accepted. What's your next move, Ellie V, as you prepare for this potentially significant conversation with the media outlet?

Me: I start preparing for the interview. I put on my raciest black outfit, grab my guitar and call some people so I can make sure that I have a bunch of my wildest fans in the audience for the interview with the Corporate Times. Once I've got everything in place, I walk to the offices of the Corporate Times, ready for the interview and ready to turn the whole thing into a gig at a moment's notice.

You make the necessary preparations for the upcoming interview with the Corporate Times. You choose a striking black outfit, ensuring that your style reflects your rockstar persona. You grab your guitar, knowing that music is your powerful tool for self-expression.

You call your wildest fans and arrange for them to be in the audience, ready to support you during the interview. Their energy and enthusiasm are sure to make an impact during the conversation.

As you make your way to the offices of the Corporate Times, you are fully prepared for the interview and ready to turn it into a gig at a moment's notice. Your determination to use this opportunity to express your message and engage with a different audience is palpable. What would you like to do next as you arrive at the Corporate Times' offices?

Me: I make any last minute preparations for the interview, reviewing details in my mind. Who will be interviewing me and what do I know about him?

As you make your final preparations for the interview, you remember that the journalist conducting the interview will be Max Sullivan. Max Sullivan is a seasoned reporter known for his incisive and critical coverage of corporate affairs and societal issues. He's been a part of the Corporate Times for many years and has interviewed numerous high-profile individuals, including influential corporate figures and politicians.

Max Sullivan is known for his probing questions and deep research into his interview subjects. He has a reputation for being fair but persistent, and he often seeks to uncover the truth behind the stories he covers.

With this knowledge, you feel more prepared to face the interview with Max Sullivan and convey your message effectively to the readers of the Corporate Times. What's your next move as you get ready for the interview?

Me: I'm ready for my interview with Max Sullivan.

You arrive at the Corporate Times' offices, fully prepared for your interview with Max Sullivan. Your outfit is on point, your guitar is ready, and your most enthusiastic fans are in the audience. You're ready to share your perspective on the Night City riot and the reasons behind your actions.

The interview is about to begin, and you're determined to make the most of this opportunity to express your message to a different audience. Max Sullivan awaits your arrival, and the stage is set for a conversation that could have a significant impact on how the public perceives your role in the recent events.

With confidence and your message in mind, you take your place for the interview. What would you like to say or do as the interview starts?

Me: I'm going to greet Max and shake his hand, but I'm going to let him make the first move.

As the interview begins, you greet Max Sullivan with a friendly smile and offer your hand for a handshake. Max, the seasoned journalist, returns the gesture and takes the initiative. He begins the interview with a professional demeanor, ready to ask questions and delve into the story of the Night City riot.

Max Sullivan's first question is direct and to the point: "Ellie V, can you tell our readers what led to the events of the Night City riot and the pillorying of the Arasaka CEO?"

Me: I grin, and when I respond, I address the crowd instead of Max. "Greed. Treating people like cattle, like numbers, like marks in a sucker's game, am I right?"

Your response is directed at the audience as much as it is at Max Sullivan, creating an engaging and dynamic atmosphere for the interview. The crowd in attendance responds with enthusiastic agreement, reinforcing your message.

Max Sullivan nods and continues with the interview, following up with more probing questions. As you address the issues of corporate greed and dehumanization, you have the opportunity to share your perspective and experiences, not only with Max but also with the readers of the Corporate Times.

The interview is underway, and you're using the platform to convey your message to a broader audience. What would you like to say or do next as the interview unfolds?

Me: What's Max's next question?

Max Sullivan continues the interview with another question: "Ellie V, some have criticized the riot as a destructive and chaotic event. Can you explain the reasoning behind resorting to such dramatic actions, and what do you hope to achieve by them?"

Me: "You think our methods are extreme?" I say, a mischievous glint in my eye as I start to strum my guitar, ramping up the energy in the studio. "Well, let me tell you something, Max. If we weren't extreme, nobody would listen to us. Nobody would care about our message. We have to be loud and chaotic to get people's attention, to make them understand what we're fighting for." Then, I whip up the crowd by strumming some of the most recognizable chords from one of my band's most incendiary songs.

Your response is filled with conviction, and as you strum your guitar, the energy in the studio intensifies. You make a strong point about the necessity of using extreme methods to draw attention to your cause and your message.

The crowd in the studio is captivated by your words and the familiar chords from one of your band's incendiary songs. They respond with enthusiasm, and it's clear that your message is resonating with the audience.

Max Sullivan takes note of the passionate response and continues to guide the interview, asking more questions that allow you to elaborate on your perspective and the reasons behind your actions. The interview is a platform for you to convey your message to a wider audience, and it's clear that you're making a significant impact. What's your next move as the interview unfolds?

Me: I wait to see if Max asks any more questions, but I'm strumming out a heavy riff and getting the crowd whipped up. I want them to get wild and they know I want them to get wild.

You continue to strum a heavy riff on your guitar, and the energy in the studio intensifies even further. The crowd is getting wild, and they respond to your encouragement with enthusiasm. They're fully engaged with the interview and your message.

Max Sullivan takes a moment to gauge the atmosphere in the studio before proceeding with more questions. He recognizes the passion and connection between you and your fans, and he continues to delve into the story behind the Night City riot and your motivations.

As the interview unfolds and the crowd's energy builds, you have a powerful platform to express your message and perspective to a broader audience. What would you like to do or say as the interview progresses?

Me: What is Max saying or asking as things start to get really wild in the studio?

As the studio becomes increasingly wild and energetic, Max Sullivan adjusts his approach to the interview, recognizing the fervor in the crowd. He shouts his next question to make himself heard above the noise:

"Ellie V, it's clear that your fans are passionate and devoted to your cause. Can you tell us what's next for you and The Valkyries in this fight against corporate oppression, and how do you plan to harness this energy for change?"

Max's question acknowledges the dynamic atmosphere in the studio and seeks to explore your plans and the path forward in your mission against corporate oppression. It's your moment to address your future plans and the continued impact of your music and activism. What's your response as the interview continues?

Me: I grin at Max, wide and mischievous. "We are Night City, Max! We are the people, and we will not be treated as slaves. We will not be exploited. The technology that corporations hoard can be harnessed to give a better life for everybody, but instead that same technology is used to oppress us all. It's even used to oppress corporate stooges like you and this whole news outlet. What are you going to do about it, slave? You going to stand up like us and burn this shit down or are you going to keep licking the boot like the rest of your staff?"

Your response is delivered with intensity and a challenge in your tone, and it electrifies the crowd in the studio. Max Sullivan, though taken aback by the confrontational turn of events, maintains his professional demeanor.

Max responds, "I'm here to ask questions and seek the truth, Ellie V. We have a role to play in holding those in power accountable. The Corporate Times will continue to report on the issues you've raised and investigate corporate practices."

The exchange highlights the tension and differing perspectives between you and the journalist. The energy in the studio is palpable, and it's clear that the interview has taken an unexpected turn. What's your next move as the interview unfolds in this charged atmosphere?

Me: I stand up and strike chords on my guitar that sound like a growl and a challenge. I look Max right in the eye and say "Maybe I should be the one asking the questions here, Max. What are you going to do to help the people of Night City? You going to eat out of Arasaka's hand forever or are you going to riot with us while we burn their corporate offices down? There's no middle ground in this. You're either with the people of Night City, or you're against us."

As you stand up, striking powerful chords on your guitar and issuing a direct challenge to Max, the studio's atmosphere becomes even more charged. You lock eyes with the journalist, making it clear that you expect an answer.

Max Sullivan takes a moment to respond, and his voice carries a sense of measured consideration. "I'm committed to reporting on the issues that matter and bringing transparency to corporate practices. My role is to ask the tough questions, and I'll continue to do that."

The exchange underscores the difference in roles and perspectives between you as an activist and Max as a journalist. The crowd in the studio remains engaged and energized, reflecting the intensity of the moment.

What's your next move, Ellie V, as the interview and the charged atmosphere continue to unfold?

Me: I laugh in his face, then turn back to my fans, raising my hands and urging them to riot. I tell Max: "Fine, you stay here and ask questions, gonk. We're going to do something about the corruption. We're going to take this party to Arasaka and to any other corporation in Night City that thinks it can choke us with crap."

Your laughter and words punctuate the charged atmosphere in the studio, and you turn back to your fans, urging them to continue their passionate demonstration. The crowd responds with even greater enthusiasm.

Max Sullivan, the journalist, watches as you address your fans and the studio audience. The divide between your activism and his role as a reporter remains evident, but the energy of the moment is undeniable.

As you encourage your fans to take their protest to the next level, it's clear that the Night City riot is far from over, and the people are ready to make their voices heard.

What's your next move, Ellie V, as you continue to lead the charge and inspire your fans?

Me: I'm going to lead my fans into the street. I ask them, "Who should we hit next? Who's the most evil corporation in Night City now? Arasaka? Or someone else? Who gets a taste of our fire tonight?"

You lead your fans out into the street, the energy and enthusiasm of the crowd palpable. As you address them, you ask for their input on the next target, emphasizing the question: "Who should we hit next? Who's the most evil corporation in Night City now? Arasaka? Or someone else? Who gets a taste of our fire tonight?"

The crowd responds with fervor, chanting the name of their chosen target, and it's clear that they are ready to take their protest to the next level. The night is far from over, and the people of Night City are united in their fight against corporate oppression.

As you lead this impromptu uprising, your music and message serve as the anthem for the people's defiance. What's your plan as you continue to rally your fans and take the protest to its next destination?

Me: What corporation name are my fans yelling the most?

As your fans passionately respond to your question and chant the names of potential targets, one corporation's name stands out the most: Militech. The name "Militech" resonates through the crowd with a sense of anger and determination, and it's clear that this powerful corporation is a significant source of discontent among the people in Night City.

The crowd is ready to make a statement against Militech, and the atmosphere is charged with revolutionary energy as they prepare to take their protest to the corporation's doorstep. What's your next move, Ellie V, as you harness this energy and lead the people of Night City to their next destination?

Me: I pick a couple of fans in the riot that I know are dependable. I tell them to call all the major news outlets and let them know we're headed to hit Militech. I also tell them to call as many people as they can to make our riot as big as possible. I have them call my roadies and have my roadies bring all the molotov cocktails they can gather. We're going to build the biggest riot Night City has ever seen and we're going to take it right to Militech's front door. I'm going to be playing some fiery, frenetic songs the whole time.

You quickly organize your fans, selecting dependable individuals to make calls to major news outlets and spread the word about your upcoming protest against Militech. The calls are made to as many people as possible, ensuring that your riot will be as big as it can be.

Simultaneously, you contact your roadies, instructing them to gather all the Molotov cocktails they can find. Your plan is to build the biggest and most intense riot Night City has ever witnessed, and to take it directly to the front door of Militech.

As the riot gathers momentum and more people join your cause, the streets are filled with energy, anticipation, and a sense of unity. Your music serves as the soundtrack to this uprising, and the people are looking to you for inspiration and leadership.

What's your next move, Ellie V, as you lead this massive protest to confront Militech and make a statement against the corporation?

Me: I'm going to whip my fans into a frenzy. We're going to rush the corporate offices of Militech, and once we get into the lobby, I'm going to play an entire concert there while my fans burn the place down.

With the support of your fans, you successfully whip them into a frenzy, and together, you rush toward the corporate offices of Militech. The energy is electric as you reach the lobby of the building. Your guitar roars to life, and you launch into an entire concert performance, the frenetic and fiery songs resonating through the lobby.

As your fans join in with their chants and the chaos unfolds, the corporate offices of Militech bear witness to a powerful and tumultuous protest. The symbolism is clear: the people of Night City are united in their fight against corporate oppression, and they will not be silenced.

The lobby of the building becomes a stage for your message, and your actions speak volumes. Night City will remember this night, and the consequences of your protest are likely to be far-reaching.

What's your plan as the concert and protest continue, Ellie V, and how do you intend to shape the narrative of this uprising?

Me: How is Militech responding to all this chaos?

As the chaos and protest unfold in the lobby of the Militech corporate offices, the response from the corporation is swift and intense. Militech's security forces and corporate enforcers are mobilized to protect the building and quell the uprising. They attempt to block access to the building and maintain control of the situation.

The clashes between your fans and Militech's security forces become increasingly violent, resulting in a chaotic and tense standoff. The corporation is undoubtedly taking your protest seriously and is determined to protect its interests.

The events of this night will have far-reaching consequences, and the people of Night City are making a powerful statement against corporate oppression. What's your next move, Ellie V, as the situation in the lobby of Militech unfolds?

Me: I'm going to keep playing my guitar, singing and laughing and whipping up my fans to overwhelm Militech's security forces.

You continue to play your guitar, sing, and exude boundless energy, inspiring your fans to maintain their determination and overwhelm Militech's security forces. Your music and charisma serve as a rallying point, and the crowd responds with renewed enthusiasm.

The lobby of Militech's corporate offices becomes a battlefield of emotions, with your message of resistance and defiance ringing loud and clear. The uprising is intense, and the outcome is still uncertain, but the people of Night City are fighting for their future with unrelenting spirit.

Your role as a leader and symbol of this protest is unmistakable, and your actions will have a lasting impact on the city. What's your plan as you continue to lead this fervent uprising, Ellie V?

Me: How is Militech responding now?

As the protest and the clash between your fans and Militech's security forces intensify, the corporation escalates its response. Militech brings in additional reinforcements and deploys more aggressive tactics to quell the uprising.

They use non-lethal crowd control measures, such as tear gas and sonic weapons, to disperse the crowd. The lobby of the corporate offices turns into a battleground, and both sides are pushing their limits.

The situation remains tense, and it's clear that Militech is determined to protect its interests. The clash between your fans and the corporation's security forces continues to be a chaotic and evolving battle.

What's your next move, Ellie V, as the situation in the lobby of Militech unfolds and the protests continue to escalate?

Me: I sling my guitar over my shoulder and I try to make my escape before Militech starts making any arrests.

Realizing the escalating tension and the potential for arrests or worse, you make a quick decision to escape from the lobby of Militech's corporate offices. You sling your guitar over your shoulder and navigate through the chaotic scene, making your way to a safe exit.

Your escape is executed swiftly, and you manage to slip away from the immediate chaos without being apprehended. The protest and the riot continue to unfold, but you've successfully removed yourself from the epicenter of the confrontation.

What's your plan now, Ellie V, as you make your way out of the building and into the streets of Night City once again?

Me: I'm going to slip away to my nearest safehouse.

You make your way to your nearest safehouse, navigating through the city streets with the energy and chaos of the ongoing protest still echoing in the background. As you enter the safety of your sanctuary, you can reflect on the events of this tumultuous night.

The protest against Militech has made a powerful statement, and your role as a leader and symbol of resistance is undeniable. The consequences of this night are likely to be felt throughout Night City.

Now, within the confines of your safehouse, you have a moment of respite to regroup, rest, and plan your next moves in this ongoing battle against corporate oppression.

What's your plan as you take refuge in your safehouse, Ellie V?

Me: I'm going to check the news on my phone. What are the biggest outlets saying about the Militech riot and the interview with Max Sullivan?

As you check the news on your phone, you find that the Militech riot and the interview with Max Sullivan have generated significant media attention. Here's a summary of what the biggest outlets are saying:

Night City News Network (NCNN):

NCNN reports the Militech riot as a violent and chaotic protest, with clashes between protesters and Militech security forces.

They highlight your role in leading the protest and your interview with Max Sullivan, emphasizing your message of resistance against corporate oppression.

Corporate Times:

The Corporate Times provides a detailed account of the Militech riot, focusing on the violence and the destruction of property.

They also feature excerpts from your interview with Max Sullivan, where you challenged the role of the media and the responsibility of journalists in the corporate world.

Night City Sentinel:

The Night City Sentinel offers a balanced perspective, covering both the events of the riot and your interview with Max Sullivan.

They explore the motivations behind the protest and the clashes, as well as your message of resistance against corporate greed.

The media coverage reflects the complexity and controversy surrounding the recent events. Your actions and message are making a significant impact in shaping the narrative of the ongoing struggle in Night City.

What's your plan, Ellie V, as you consider the media's coverage and the next steps in your mission against corporate oppression?

Me: I'm going to get a bottle of tequila in both hands and drink until I pass out.

Feeling the weight of the night's events and the ongoing struggle, you reach for a bottle of tequila in both hands and begin to drink until the world blurs and fades away. The fiery liquid courses through your veins, and as the alcohol takes hold, you gradually drift into a deep and well-deserved slumber.

The events of this night, the protests, and the ongoing battle against corporate oppression continue to unfold, and the city remains in turmoil. In your dreams and in your waking moments, you are a symbol of resistance, and the people of Night City look to you for inspiration and leadership.

As you rest and recharge, the city's future remains uncertain, and the fight against corporate greed continues to be a central focus of your mission.


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